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Tampax®, Regular Absorbency Tampon

Tampax®, Regular Absorbency Tampon
Tampax®, Regular Absorbency Tampon

Tampax tampons mtb500 regular absorbency 500/cs bulk pack no vending sleeve. TAMPAX TAMPONS MTB500 REGULAR ABSORBENCY 500/CS BULK PACK NO VENDING SLEEVE 35617 35517 551868

Special Per CS $123.61
Procter and Gamble PGC025001 Tampax Regular Absorbency Tampons

Procter & Gamble PGC025001 Tampax Regular Absorbency Tampons
Procter and Gamble PGC025001 Tampax Regular Absorbency Tampons

Tampax tampons t-500 500/cs regular absorbency . Stock female restrooms with Procter & Gamble PGC025001 Tampax® regular absorbency tampons. Each individually wrapped tampon comes in a tube for use in compatible vending machines. These Procter & Gamble Tampax® regular absorbency tampons are ready to…

Special Per CS $103.66
Naturelle® Tampons

Naturelle® Tampons
Naturelle® Tampons

Tampons naturelle reg. absorbency flushable applicator/ biodegradable 500/case. * Tampons Naturelle in regular absorbency* Enclosed in a protective sleeve* Flushable/biodegradable applicator 35517

Special Per CS $171.53
Dual Vendor Tampon

Dual Vendor Tampon
Dual Vendor Tampon

Tampon dual vendor 15/#4 & 25 25 cent coin operated d1-25 . TAMPON DUAL VENDOR 15/#4 & 25 25 CENT COIN OPERATED D1-25 36534 270220

Special Per EA $556.10
HOSPECO KL Kraft Waxed Feminine Hygiene Disposal Bags w/ Gusset

HOSPECO KL Kraft Waxed Feminine Hygiene Disposal Bags w/ Gusset
HOSPECO KL Kraft Waxed Feminine Hygiene Disposal Bags w/ Gusset

…sizing makes for easy carrying to trash receptacles outside of stalls.* Boast high-quality kraft material to prevent leaks and ensure durability* Feature gusseted design for hassle-free pad or tampon insertion* Fit 250-201W, ND-1E, and ND-1W HOSPECO receptacles for easy usage 270144 48069 270221

Special Per CS $34.75
Dual Vendor Tampon

Dual Vendor Tampon
Dual Vendor Tampon

Tampon dual vendor 15/ #4 & 25 10 cent coin operated d1-10 10"w x 26.25"h x 6.5"d. TAMPON DUAL VENDOR 15/ #4 & 25 10 CENT COIN OPERATED D1-10 10"W x 26.25"H x 6.5"D 270220 36534

Special Per EA $599.97